Grußbotschaften aus aller Welt

24.03.2020 | Die Covid 19 Pandemie beeinflusst nicht nur in Deutschland das kirchliche Leben. Mit unseren internationalen Partner*innen wissen wir uns im Gebet verbunden, aber in der aktuellen Lage freuen wir uns auch, von einander lesen zu können. Wir haben einige Grüße zusammengestellt:


Got your email with thanks! the same thing took place in China, to avoid the covid-19 attacking, people are isolated at home, now things becoming normal day by day, basically the crisis is under controlled due to the strict response. wish the society activities could be restored as soon as possible, the church could be reopen soon, hope people all of the world could deal with the crisis correctly, God give peace to the world. and God bless you!


Greetings of peace during this turbulent period experienced throughout the world. We thank God that we are still fine and safe while remembering in our prayers all the infected, the berieved, and all the helpless around the world….. We have started experiencing the effects on the economy in the country, and we even feel its impact in the church. We continue to pray for you and the world at large. Please let us join hands in praying during this lent season that Christs sufferings that brought victory over death may bring us victory over Corona as well. What gives me strength in these difficult times is the hope that Christ’s healing hands are still at work. God bless you!


Es ist den Menschen schwer begreiflich zu machen, dass sie nicht in die Kirche zu Gottesdiensten kommen können. Noch schwerer wird es sein, ihnen so sagen, dass sie nicht zu einer Beerdigung IN die Kirche kommen können. Wie gesagt, bisher ist das auch so gar nicht festgelegt. …Ich mache mir große Sorgen und die Tochter eines Kirchenvorstehers, die Ärztin in Amsterdam ist, warnt wirklich außergewöhnlich eindrücklich. Hoffentlich hören alle Menschen das sehr bald. Bleibt alle sehr behütet in Deutschland!


Es gilt eine strikte Quarantäne in Nur-Sultan und Almaty, das gemeindliche Leben kommt fast zum Erliegen Hoffentlich kann in diesem Jahr am 06. September die Orgel in NurSultan, deren Erwerb unter anderem mit großer finanzieller Hilfe aus Mecklenburg möglich wurde, eingeweiht werden, so dass es wieder ein kebendiges Gemeindeleben geben kann. Die für Juli geplante Jugendbegegnung in Deutschland haben wir schweren Herzens ins kommende Jahr verschoben.  

Southern Ohio Synod, USA:

Greetings from Southern Ohio and our ministry partners. In a few short weeks our world has changed due to CORVID-19. Christians, and we as Lutherans, have the opportunity to be Christ in our countries and with neighbor. Yes we are doing things differently: keeping our distance, virtual worship services, but we also remember among us those who are suffering and ill, those who are homeless and hungry. We can be God’s love and grace, because of Jesus, to our communities. Thank you for what you are doing in the Nordkirche. We in Southern Ohio continue to keep you in prayer and thoughts and want you to know we value our relationships as partners in this ministry. Please pass on our prayers, thoughts and good wishes to the congregations and pastors and tell them we will meet to share ideas, ministries, worship and fellowship. May God continue to bless and keep you. Stay well and be at peace in Christ Jesus!

Rumänien, Theologisches Institut in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca, Klausenburg):

Die Leitung der Evangelisch Lutherischen Kirche in Rumänien hat ein Rundbrief an alle Gemeinden geschickt, wo u.a. die Pfarrer aufgefordert wurden eine Telephonseelsorge zu organisieren, und die Versorgung der Alten, Kranken, besonders gefährdeten Menschen (nicht nur der Gemeindeglieder) zu organisieren. Gleichzeitig machen wir uns für diejenigen auch schon Sorgen, die von ihren Arbeitsplatz entlassen oder irgendwie auch finanziell stark betroffen sind….. Eine Gabe dieser kritischen Zeiten: es gibt eine Gebetskette der Pfarrer, ausgesprochen füreinander, für die Pfarrer und kirchlichen Mitarbeiter unserer Schwesterkirchen! Jetzt läuten die Glocken täglich um 18 Uhr (Vesper), und wir alle beten füreinander. Das trägt uns auch in unseren Dienst sehr. Ich wünsche Ihnen Gottes Segen und sein Begleiten. Schenke Ihnen viel Weisheit und Durchhaltevermögen in alles was sie jetzt tun sollen. Und keine schlaflose Nächte 🙂 !!! Bleiben Sie behütet

Lichfield (England)

We kept Sunday, 22 May as a National Day of Prayer and Action; homes were invited to have a lighted candle in their window at 19h00, we are conducting funerals, weddings and baptisms in churches but with strict limits on numbers and ensuring safe, social distances. We have suspended confirmation services and are encouraging catechists to continue their preparation with distance learning materials provided We are strengthened by the response of the people who are generating a great community spirit and help groups. The spring flowers and good weather just now speak of God’s faithfulness and that all will be well again. Psalm 119:90 “Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast.” Please keep us in your prayers as we are hold you in ours. Blessings and keep safe!  

Papua Neuguinea:

As we see the world in crisis as the result of the aggressive spread of the coronavirus threatening human life we are reminded of the Words of Jesus „I am with you until the end of the age“. In the midst of crisis and suffering Christ is with us. Therefore we hold together as communion of churches living and witnessing together the love of God in the face of suffering. We also pray for you all in Europe where the virus is affecting many lives. Our support and prayer is with you. In our country we are on high alert as news is already spreading that the virus will attack us soon. Many are living in fear but we continue to give positive message of prevention. I hope the world will contain the virus soon to save humanity. Our solidarity in faith and love in Christ shall endure in this time when human survival is at risk.


The bishops conference in the Church of Sweden has encouraged parishes and congregations to adjust their work rather than simply cancelling everything. (”Ställ inte in – ställ om!”) Public worship is still allowed and is planned to continue as long as possible, although in smaller format. Some congregations has already celebrated their first webcast service, many others are expected to follow as the epidemic tightens its grip on our society. Many parishes and congregations arrange grocery-deliveries and other services for those in quarantine and/or isolation. I think that many of the challenges that we in the Church of Sweden face in our context are challenges common to any established church in our part of the world. When I think about what might differ in circumstances, I suspect that our largely decentralized organization might be equally a strength and an obstacle. So, apart from prayers that fit well in any European context, I would like to encourage you to pray for our ability to work together as one body, and for discernment, so that we see ourselves as one in Christ – not only in the Church of Sweden but as brothers and sisters all over the world in a joint effort to save both lives and human dignity. As we keep our brothers and sisters in faith in Northern Germany in our prayers, I would much appreciate that you share with us if there is anything in your context that you would like us to pray for.